Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Real job is my current obsession.... has to be. The mortgage just got paid! It sent me to San Diego for 18 days in January which isn't fun being away from home... but since I live in the Midwest which got dumped on with LOTS of snow..... it's not too bad at all to go out at lunch time (in my 10-15 min to do so) and sit or walk quickly through the sunshine. But I really want to get home and work on that quilt! Oh well..... it's off to work I go...... :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Here's the photo I promised.... A vibrant start to 2009! I'm really liking this one with the more elegant pinwheels and the varying sizes. But the one thing that pops for me is the ORANGE with the tiffany blue accents. I've trimmed it but am leaving on a 2.5 week business trip (for the job that pays the bills) and won't have time to assemble the quilt.

Between the business trip, the holidays and social occasions ...and my fiance's weeklong headcold, I'm almost amazed I got this much done!