Spring is here in the Chicago area. The trees are gorgeous with their little buds and flowers. Having all of the windows open allowing the breeze to sweep through the house and freshen everything up is one of my favorite things. Recently, though it's been about cleaning out drawers, closets and cabinets. I find I need less and want less as the clutter can be overwhelming and even restrictive. So many new ideas and ways to look at things are coming at me without that clutter. I look at everything and see potential for another piece of art -- a quilt, a wallhanging, a canvas, and a journal. Inspiration comes regularly and at unusual times. As spring continues and summer approaches I wonder what other ideas will come to me. What classes can I take that will either teach me a new technique or just be a chance to share creative time with other like minded artists? What classes can you take to do the same? What new idea could you do with friends or even at your children's parties?
Happy Spring!