are almost over but we're enjoying every moment from quality family time, to getting to a movie, to fantastic time with friends. Soon work calls me back. But I'm ignoring it for now. This is the relaxing part right? Then why am I so exhausted (happy exhausted mind you).
This year was an experiment in new things for me/us from new ways to eat to expanding twistedfiberstudio into new adventures. Autumn brought a renewed outlook on what brings me the most joy -- teaching and making art and even may I say crafts. You see a list of classes that we will be teaching in the new year. (New classes will be posted as they are scheduled - stay tuned and check back in.)

Earlier this month, my BFF from university (http:// and fellow artist was talking to me about her finds at local resale and thrift shops that she's using for everything from crocheting to journal making to a dozen other art projects. Well I was convinced. So a date was scheduled to hit the shops.

This past Friday was the day! And three, or was it four, shops later we had multiple bags of items. Jewelry for use as charms, ornaments for next Christmas projects, raffia, tissue paper, straw wreaths, heart charms (Valentine's day is close), red silk flower petals, and so much more. We saw some of the funniest things too.
The infamous wooden plaque... |
My friend's daughter AKA Girlie joined us and we started counting the number of wooden plaques with lovely photos laminated on them. We almost had enough for gifts next year. But the treasures and memories were wonderful. In fact I talked my husband into going to another one on Saturday. He bought a couple nostalgic things as well.
On that note I wish all of you a very happy new year and may all of your dreams and wishes come true!
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