Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Newsletter: Discovering Passion

A new mentor of mine shared her story of transitioning from the corporate world to entrepreneurship.  Neither of us chose to leave our respective corporate jobs --we were asked to do so.  Her story mirrored mine in many key ways, giving me the realization that I’m not alone (rationally I knew that, of course).  While my initial feelings were fear and anger, I also felt joy and relief.  It took me several months and lots of help to identify why.  I hadn’t been honoring my passions or taking care of myself.  I had been passionate about my job for many years, but the stress from many things in that environment had eroded the joy and negatively affected my health. During the last year and a half while working full time, Twisted Fiber Studio developed into existence.  It was where I did honor my passions by teaching arts and crafts classes nights and weekends. If I had listened to my soul, I would have made the change earlier.  I view it as a kick in the pants from a higher power....

Continue reading the newest installment at

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